One hundred years ago this week many of the Kurrajongs and other soldiers were home on final leave. Farewells for these men were organised at Copeton, Nullamanna, Rob Roy and Delungra as well as private functions. Some of these functions were reported in the Inverell Times newspaper.
At Copeton Privates T. Cant, W. Patterson, N. Hayes, B. Govers, H. Tutt and J. Oliphant were presented with a gold mounted fountain pen.
At Nullamanna a ball was held at the Gordon Hall with eleven soldiers present.
At Rob Roy, John Baker was presented with a wrist watch.
Delungra had two functions about ten days apart. The first on 3rd April farewelled Privates G. Harris, C. Clewat, L. Schultz, and A. Bryant who were presented with a silver matchbox and their Inverell medals as well as a pair of socks. T. Milburn was unable to attend.
On 14th April, Delungra residents assembled again at the School of Arts Hall to farewell H. Kitching, A. Wiegold, A. Roberts and W. Ryan. L. McLeod was unable to attend.
At Inverell, Mrs. Bone organised an afternoon of entertainment for a dozen soldiers at the School of Arts Hall where they played billiards, had afternoon tea and musical items were presented.
A private farewell function was held at the Hotel Inverell for Private Alan Mather during which he was presented with a smoker’s jacket and a money belt.