Inverell District Teachers
1st December 2014
<p>In December 1916 the Inverell Teacher's Association wrote to the Town Clerk to request the includsion on the Inverell Honor Roll of the names of District Teachers who had volunteered for active service. </p>
<p>The names submitted were J. D. McGovern (District School); E. Hawkins (Auburn Vale); A.H. Huntress (District School); W.R. Blevin (Wandera); Mr. A.W. McKenzie and Mr. George Nobbs (Assistants at Elsmore).</p>
<p>Of these men Private Alexander Huntress was killed in France in 1917 and Private George Nobbs was killed in Egypt in 1916. Their names are inscribed on both the Inverell Cenotaph and Honor Roll and they were among the 215 men for whom a memorial tree was planted in Kurrajong Parade.</p>
<p>Privates McGovern, Hawkins, Blevin and McKenzie all returned to Australia after the War.</p>
<p>Other Inverell district teachers who also went to the War were:- John Wilfred Gibbes (Inverell); Reginald Leopold MacLean (Ross Hill School) died of disease in Ireland 2 November 1918; Robert Alexander S. Patterson (Coolatai); Albert Henry Pearson (Bundarra); Aubrey Frederick Towner (Koloona); James Horn (Tingha) died of wounds in Belgium 15 October 1917, Francis James Walsh (Myall Creek Provisional School) killed in action in France on 6 May 1918 and William Alexander Diplock from Wollombi NSW (appointed to Wallangra School June 1914) died of wounds in France 8 October 1917.</p>